Wha's a good name for a 4X4 Jeep club that promotes nudism and green living?

Asking for a friend…
Assume all the emissions are collected in a big bag, or the vehicles are hybrids.

16 thoughts on “Wha's a good name for a 4X4 Jeep club that promotes nudism and green living?”

  1. ♥~ BELL♥LA ~♥

    LOL ! Naturally BIG and Green

    Nature’s BIG Green
    ALL TERRAIN Naughty Green Club !

  2. My Secret Identity

    The I Hope You Have Upholstery And Not Leather Club

    Slightly Obscene Green Recycling Machines

  3. The Naked Tow Club.

    Naked, because lets face it, everybody wants to be naked and famous.

    Tow, because if you’re starting an all hybrid 4×4 club, you’ll frequently need to have a towtruck in the mix.

  4. FooFoo is a known carcinogen

    The Dirty Hippies Off-Roading Association

    They get together on Saturday mornings to make biofuel out of french fry grease collected from local restaraunts, so the whole affair smells just like the Baker’s drive thru that’s right next to the head *ahem* I mean, "smoke" shop

  5. The, "Ouch! My Boobs Are Jiggling In This Off Road Vehicle – Whose Stupid Idea Was This?" club. or, "O!MBAJITORV-WSIWT?" for short, meet on the first Saturday in June or whenever the last of the biting black flies die out.

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