What are the steps to naturalized citizenship for green card holders living in the U.S.?

What are some requirements/stipulations, such as:
– Amount of time living in the U.S.
– Knowledge tests? (do they still do that?)
– Language
– forms
– etc.
Naturally, I am doing my own research as well. This question is only to provide me with possible insight.

2 thoughts on “What are the steps to naturalized citizenship for green card holders living in the U.S.?”

  1. if you married an american citizen – it is 3 years waiting time; if you got your green card any other way – it is 5 years;
    I do not know if they have any exemptions

    you can apply for citizenship 3 months before your 3 or 5 year annivesary;

    you have to submit forms, like N400, etc.

    they still have tests for testing knowledge of US constitution, history etc. just recently they changed the format a little bit

    you should look for more answers on specific immigration discussion websites, not on yahoo answers

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