What color compliments dark green ceramic tile?

I am purchasing a new home that has dark green ceramic tile and I want to paint my walls looking for any and all color types that will compliment the floor or go well with it. Thanks!

9 thoughts on “What color compliments dark green ceramic tile?”

  1. Keep it light, if not neutral. White or light, light brown (think the lightest setting on the toaster) would look nice. You could add other complementary colors with accessories.

  2. First, paint all of the walls the same color. Painting 2 walls one color and the other 2 another color is from the 80’s…a thing of the past.
    Light creamy yellow; accent with burgandy to make the room POP!
    It will make the room light and appear larger. Congrats on the new home!!!!

  3. Peach, antique gold, light taupe or paint 2 smaller walls dark green to match the tile, the others a creamy white. Printed or floral accessories with dark green included in the design would look great.

  4. I would paint my walls a rust or antique gold. Everyone does the gold in different shades of course that is why I like the idea of rust colored walls. What color of stain is the cabinets? You have to take that into consideration and think about your appliances as well. Countertop colors as well because you don’t want everything in your kitchen to be dark.

  5. Try violet,light blue,white,or light green.In my bathroom I have white fixtures and towels have dark green,light green and violet stripes,rugs are violet and dark green.I never dreamed that violet would go with green till I bought the towels on sale and matched up the rugs to them.BTW shower curtain is various shades of green

  6. for walls maybe you can try something lighter colour


    later on you bring in bright colour furniture

    like red & orange

    imagine green is like grass and u are decorating you garden


  7. light beige, dark beige or even brown!
    i have a brown carpeting in my room with green walls and the two colors go together great!!!

  8. It really depends on personal taste. The easy way out would be white or beige, but those don’t have any personality to them and would feel too sterile and impersonal. I strongly advise you against using another green tone, which would make the green too present in the room.

    I personally think yellow may be a wonderful choice. You could go for a vibrant golden tone, or perhaps a more coppery hue of the gold, an simple sunny yellow, or an extremely pale yellow hue. The proper yellow can work wonders to a room with sunlight, as it makes the room glow. A nice canvas colour, like a more airy beige with yellow tones, may look nice as well, but this is unfortunately a hard colour to describe. If you are trying a neutral look, you could go for a taupe colour as well.

    Brown is a good colour to think about, as well. A warm, but muted terra-cotta colour, a chocolatey brown . . . This will make a room more intimate and cozy, but can also make a room much smaller, so don’t go for an intense, overpowering brown.

    I am not a fan of pairing peach or coral pink with dark green personally, but these are tried-and-true combinations that are used quite commonly. However, I have often associated these colours with outdated homes or decoration.

    If possible, buy a small amount of a few paint colours and paint a small patch of each near each other so you can see how it might look.

    I suggest you go to the link at the bottom and find a colour close to your tile for an accent colour, then experiment with different overall paint shades. Good luck.


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