What website would you recommend to a family getting more involved with green living? We already do basic things, like recycle, reuse, turn off lights when we don’t need them, keep the heat low, don’t run the water, etc..but it never occurred to me to wash clothes in cold water only. Where can I find more great ideas like that? Thanks!
Here are a 4 of links of interest – (may have to copy/paste links)
1st- credentials of environmental stewardship since the 60’s –
2nd- using safe, environmentally friendly, concentrated products that are totally biodegradable, save money and eliminate landfill waste –
3rd- government website documenting toxins in cleaning products –
4th- great generic educational video on toxins in the home –
Read all you can on these sites to not only be "green" but to use chemical free products for your family’s health & safety. Show others how to do the same. That’s what we do. thanks.
TreeHugger is awesome. It will tell you how to green almost everything in your life.
Grist has a sense of humor and its Ask Umbra section offers solutions to problems I’ve never even considered. Check it out!
I have several and they are geared for different levels, also some of them have many links to other sites which I find valuable but if I had to settle on one for starting out and it had to stand on it’s own with no links I like this one. It is pretty straight forward. If you want the one that is linked to almost everything and has all the info you’d ever want on recycling nothing but earth 911 the 2nd link. If you want a list here’s a list 3rd site. If you want videos the 4th site
Sorry I cheated couldn’t do just one. (It was hard enough limiting it to just these)