Will "Green Living" become a religious movement?

Many of the tribe religions in Europe, Americas, Africa and Asia, as well as the Pleiadians and Zeta Reticulis Exo/Eco-Religion all basically preach the same nature based theology.
It seems all these Ecologically based religions are the same, just different sects.

13 thoughts on “Will "Green Living" become a religious movement?”

  1. beepbeep_holla

    I dont believe it will become a religious movement,I feel its something that we all need to do regardless of religion.If we all conserve energy and do are part as a civilization we will preserve our world for future generations.And as for the tribes in other parts of the world especially the ones whom have lived there ways for hundreds of years it isnt a green living movement its a true way of life for them,there is religion involved because they believe that the earth is a cherished gift to them and they take great pride in living the green life.We as modern people feel for the most part that energy is a gimme and thats why we are in the crisis that we are in,And now that energy and gas cost have gone to the moon its now an issue.

  2. I think it already is. Beyond pagans who worship the earth gods. I think a lot of Christin are in a way, because some of us believe the lord gave us stewardship over the earth as the first commandment when he said "…..populate and replenish the earth". We interpret the replenish the earth, as take care of it… ie living green.

  3. champagneandlalique

    Evidence of an expanding environmental ethos can be found in nearly every faith. Well, there is no moral connection between religion and the environment. All the faiths or non-faiths can bring something to the table and are doing so. It’s nice to see that all people can agree on this problem we have with our environment and hopefully work together to make our planet a better place to live. United we stand, divided we fall….that goes for many things and all countries and religions and non-religions. We are all the human race after all and we need to stick together when it comes to things like this.

    Have a lovely day!

  4. It could very well seem like it. As we see how our past way of life has effected the earth and its weather cycle. Our new way of living may indeed become a mandatory ritual of sorts. Just to survive day to day.

  5. Well put Mike. I totally agree, you’ve got the "sceptics" and the "believers" already.

  6. It appears to me that "Green Living" already is a religious movement.

    For example, even people who agree with the Greens on almost all of their points but disagree on as few as one point, are lambasted as horrible, insensitive and ignorant.

    This sounds to me more like the reaction of a religious movement or cult to perceived heretics rather than a group of people who are honestly seeking answers and solutions to very complex challenges that do not have clear or obvious solutions.

  7. Well the US is the country of all extremes.

    I prefear staying here and working based on science rather than debating ideologies, theologies and doing intellectual masturbation (since nobody agrees, each side in the US is searching a "self satisfaction" in the debate).

    When I put a calculation under the nose of a US citizen, he is incapable of understanding and criticizes what he doesn´t understand: it´s called a primate.

  8. NO, a religion empowers and enlightens a persons mind and soul for levels further than what were previously thought possible. Green living will help the spiritual some but religion would be the catalyst to push that style of living into full force.

  9. While the Green movement bears some resemblance to Animism or even Polytheism, this "religion" requires no god(s).

    Since it does inspire the same sort of zeal, you could call it the first religion compatible with Atheism and Agnosticism.

    One aspect it does not have in common with many popular religions, is that it appeals to mutual benefit, rather than dividing people, animals, and plants into groups of relative value (e.g: Saved, Lost, Believer, Infidel, Priest, Layman).

    Green living has also been less inclined to relegate certain species to the scrap heap as mere chattel, preferring instead to define all as equally important parts of a harmonious whole. In this respect it compares to primitive animism, but this is likely to change as the power structure matures.

    In fact it is possible that animism, like many religions, had its start as an intellectual or philosophical exercise, passed down through enough generations to strip away critical thought, gaining a life of its own as a form of worship.

    Green Living may have the same future (see link). How many religious aspirations have begun as a visceral response to misunderstood natural phenomena?

    We teach our children that it is "good" or "bad" to do certain things, knowing full well they do not yet have the capacity to understand why. Religions resort to mysticism for the same purpose, which is to impart values without requiring all of the intellectual underpinnings to be in place.

    The environmental movement, armed with a new vision of global warming Hell, can now claim the same kind of moral high ground as any religion, for evaluating the practices of our current culture as Green (saved), or doomed to eternal ecological perdition.

    In this way it mirrors the neo-conservative marriage of religious zealotry with politics, only this time it is a decidedly liberal alliance. The equation of Green Living with morality might be seen as a wrench in the works for those fundamentalists teaching the doctrine of earthly dominion, which holds that Man and his God take precedence over the Earth and the savages who "worship" it.

    Yep, it looks like we’ve got a "liberal" answer to political moralization on the other side. If your theory is correct, it could successfully rebut the common assertion that extremists invented environmentalism, by simply reversing it. Great question!

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