How to choose the right *green architect* for your project (green architect) (green architecture) (sustainable design) (lpa) (lpa inc) (How to hire the right green architect for your project) (selecting an architect to design your green building) (how to select a green architect) (how to find the right architect) (how to hire an architect) (how to hire the right architect for your project) (green architect for your project) (how to select an architect that is really green) (green-minded architect) (choosing an architect) (how to choose the right architect) (the fine art of choosing an architect) (5 tips for choosing an architect) (choosing a green architect) Join Dan Heinfeld, President of green design firm LPA Inc, as he shares practical tips to finding the right architect for your project. It’s not easy to know who’s really green, who’s experienced in sustainable design and who’s simply putting on a front. Dan brings more than 40 years of industry experience to the table in an honest, unpretentious manner. US Green Building Council Helps You Choose an Architect for Your …Sep 9, 2008 … US Green Building Council Helps You Choose an Architect for Your … Start on the Right Foot by Selecting a Green Architect for Your Project. Selecting an Architect to Design Your Green Home | The Green Home …Picking the right person to design your green home is an important first step … To select an architect for your project, consider the project and your … Choose an architect in whom you have confidence

2 thoughts on “How to choose the right *green architect* for your project”

  1. Excellent job Mr. Heinfeld. It is absolutely true that you must passion for the project that you undertake, it cannot be just another job.

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