I would like to live in a green home but to do that I will have to replace toilets, floors, etc.?

That would be wastefull so is it better to keep what I have until it absolutely needs redoing or go ahead and convert my home and try and resell the materials?

2 thoughts on “I would like to live in a green home but to do that I will have to replace toilets, floors, etc.?”

  1. Monica, EcoLogical Home Ideas

    I’d definitely recommend only replacing items in your home with more efficient or healthier ones as you need to. It’s great to see that you know you can keep used items out of the trash – Freecycle, Craigslist and your local Habitat ReStore are all better places to get rid of useable, carefully dissassembled household materials. You won’t see much money for them though.

    To start greening your home now, change your lightbulbs over to CFLs (this does make financial sense to do immediately), use healthier cleaning supplies and work your way up from there. Next you can put all the electronics that don’t need to be on during the day (TV, VCR, video game consoles, toasters, etc.) on power strips and keep the strips turned off until you need the electronics. Then do a self-energy audit to see where your home is leaking and plug the holes with expanding foam insulation. Install and program a programmable thermostat.

    Once you’ve got the basics down, then it’s time to think about larger projects. Install some solar tubes in dark areas of your home, such as small bathrooms or hallways. Add insulation or replace windows if your home is too hot or too cold. Always aim for efficiency before thinking about taking big steps like solar panels. Every little remodel and household purchase you make offers you another opportunity to "vote with your dollar" for more sustainable products!

  2. Go live in the forest, why change toilets, or anything, its already set up for you. And green too.

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