solar energy?

how does it work?

what is it used for?

what are positives about solar energy?

what are negatives about solar energy?
what is one detail about the history of solar energy?

what is one detail about the future of solar energy?

list w
what is one detial about the history of solar energy?

what is one detail about the future of solar energy?

list two interesting facts about your energy source

7 thoughts on “solar energy?”

  1. Photovoltaic or solar panels.

    Uses: small electrical appliances, examples: radios, small efficient televisions, preferably black and white (energy use is one-third that of a color display), small fans, laptops…

    Non-Uses: heating, irons, toasters, refrigerators, anything but a small electric motors…

    Pros: silent, low cost after initial purchase, small carbon footprint, Excellent if all expenses were free

    Cons: Ridiculously expensive initial purchase, requires good sun exposure (location), Battery expense and maintenance are not free, government programs to defray costs most likely not available, government programs decide who controls the energy you produce and it’s likely not you

    I’ve lived off the grid before and it’s surprising how little people know about photovoltaic. Unless you have a spare 15K to 25K laying around, you’re not going to get much power. Converting electricity to heat is extremely inefficient and could wipe out whatever power you’ve saved to your batteries in little or no time.

    A 2000 watt Honda gasoline generator, a charger, inverter and some batteries works well.

  2. Photovoltaics work by converting usable light to energy (I won’t explain the exact process…google it). It can be used for virtually any electrical device. Positive is that it’s clean and virtually inexhaustable in terms of supply. Negative is that it’s still expensive to install and most of the utility companies have stopped the reverse metering that had actually allowed you to be paid for excess power you generated via your solar installation…another negative is that you have in most case to be tied to the grid regardless of your having solar so you’re never really getting power for "free".

  3. there is really only one downside….if you live in a forest or a zone where rainfall is HEAVY & there is little sun, it’s not very workable….otherwise, I, personally would love to have a home with it….read up in wiki below.

  4. It works by solar panels converting sunlight to energy.

    It can be used for almost anything, the most common uses are small scale like light up street signs.

    Positive-no pollution.

    Negative-expensive and sometimes unreliable.

  5. Solar energy technologies harness the sun’s energy for practical ends. These technologies date from the time of the early Greeks, Native Americans and Chinese, who warmed their buildings by orienting them toward the sun. Modern solar technologies provide heating, lighting, electricity and even flight.[4][5]

    All you need to know follow link below

  6. Lord of Long Answers

    PV panels can turn some of the light that hits them into electricity. Unfortunately, theyre kind of expensive, and they dont generate that much electricity.

  7. how does it work?

    It works by converting light energy into usable electrical energy. There is no other by-product.

    what is it used for?

    Powering our home, businesses, some cars, and countless science projects.

    what are positives about solar energy?

    "Free" energy
    endless* supply (*let’s put it this way, if there was no more sun, we wouldn’t be around to care)
    no waste/by-product.

    what are negatives about solar energy?

    None, really, but the only legitimate two I can think of are:
    Can only be harvested half of the day (morning till twilight)
    Relatively expensive for the solar panels, but hopefully cost will come down soon.

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